Saturday, 21 March 2009

i feel so fat.
especially after not eating for 30 hours
then pigging out at Valentino's.
AND THEN, reading everything on twitter about height and weight stuff.
and i thought i was a twig.

Monday, 16 March 2009

make up your damn mind up about weather.
i'm really happy about this week's temperatures.
keep it this way please?
i'm getting sick of the below thirties and snow.
i mean, last week was grossly cold.
no me gusta that cold.
me gusta warm.
like this week.

my mother found my webcam
she's making me get rid of it.
i to be honest don't care.
but i'm giving it to jimmy.

why do i blog at the worst times?
i don't know.

Saturday, 7 March 2009

so, yesterday actually wasn't that bad of a day. i was quite surprised about that. it was ms. sosalla's birthday. ^ note the video above ^ (okay well it wasn't her birthday, today is, but yeah) carl made signs for her and cinnamon roll muffins, and even sang for her. if you were a bystander, you'd think he had a crush on her. but no. she's just the most awesome math teacher ever in existance. anna, carl, a bunch of other people, and i, all agree on this. it's pretty awesome.

i didn't do much after i got home from school though. i went to take pictures outside, and then i also went on firstclass to figure out who was going to go to the academy is concert with me that happens tonight. my other friend hannah (no yt; irl) said she'd go with me, since we're both mega party animals together. and thank goodness she drives. that means i have rides there and back too! i'm happy. i can't wait.

otherwise, yesterday after school was boring. i could have watch a movie, but i didn't. i could have done homework, but i didn't. i just sat and was unproductive. thanks zombie chat for excluding me, jerks. -_-

but yeah. that's all i need to talk about today. woo!

so excited. so so so excited.

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

internet fails

so, internet was down for a good first few mods today. 
i am lucky enough to be in cross training the first two mods. 
so i didn't have a problem.
it is third mod now, and the internet just turned back on.
i was freaking out because i needed to use the online book to do my math homework.
but i went to the math imc to borrow the book
so i could do my math homework.
and once it was done.
and once i finished writing something for jeremy, 
then internet turned back on.
and now, it's off again.
and i hate our school internet.

and this is why, this is why, this is why i'm hot.