Tuesday, 18 November 2008

dammit, go away.

you're getting on my nerves.
you disrupt my daily life.
i hate you with a passion
of a thousand fiery suns.

(old photos for the lose)

this cough as been getting on my nerves so much! i barely can catch my breath in sports skills because of it. i really hate it. it hurts when i cough. jordyn told me to get it checked out at the doctor again, since last time they only said it was a viral infection.  thank god my mum is going to call the doctor's office today to set up an appointment. that way i can get rid of this inane cough and possibly get rid of whatever is on my finger. (i think it's cartilage that just kept growing). 

blech. this week kinda really sucks. one, i'm grounded, which i shouldn't complain because i totally deserve it. on saturday, (i know wtf) i was up on the computer much after i was supposed to be off it, plus, i went and had turned it back on after my dad had turned it off. i knew it was a bad idea, but why i did it, i'm not sure. adrenaline rush, maybe? 

but then i guess yesterday, my mum says that my sister had saw that i was on facebook at 2am. which is kind of weird...because i was sleeping then. i distinctly remember going to bed at like midnight. but my mum didn't believe me and says now i have to delete my facebook.

yeah..not looking forward to that. i might make a new one, with an alias name so no family can find me. it's a good idea, i suppose.

anyway, i've been having youtube dreams lately. latest one was with cade, kimmi, and toddly. it was really weird. i really am going to be behind on youtube video watching after i get ungrounded. i am really getting behind in the socialness with the youtube friend group. i can't get on skype, so i'm lacking speak. :( 

oh god, and i feel like this grounding is rehab for my youtube, skype, blockles addiction. 
but yea. whatever. 

ps. don't be like me.

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